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We are absolutely thrilled to have successfully completed our Graded Speech and Drama Exam with The Irish Board of Speech and Drama just before Christmas. Results arrived this week and all students have attained remarkable results. We are so proud of each and every one of you! Our youngest candidates were five years old, taking their preliminary grade one exam! What a fantastic start for any child.

We don’t like to focus on the word “exam”. The process is much, much more than performing for a grade at the end. The preparation gives children life skills. They learn how to communicate. They learn how to present themselves to the world with confidence. They learn how to take personal responsibility for their work and they also learn how to work as part of a team. These skills will serve them throughout their lives.

The skills that they acquire through working on the speech and drama syllabus include a love for language, how to use their voices correctly using tone, pitch, pace, projection, modulation etc. Children develop an understanding of the foundations and technicality of speech, voice and performance. They live in their imaginations for a time, where they develop characters, places, scenarios. Through drama we give our children a gift. The gift of essential life skills, which will equip them to navigate their way through this world.

We prepared all students via Zoom and their exam pieces were then recorded and uploaded for examination with The Irish Board of Speech and Drama. The results speak for themselves and the smiles paint the full picture! Here are just a few pictures that were sent in.

Well done everyone. You are amazing. Xx